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The MathSoc button will take you to the homepage of the University of Waterloo's Math Society, publishers of MathNews.
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These quotes were first published in MathNews, run by MathSoc of the University of Waterloo.
The quotes are from the profs at the university, mainly in the math faculty, as submitted by students.
This site is in no way affiliated with anything, and is not held accountable for the accuracy of the quotes, as I suspect some were made up.
Enjoy otherwise.
'Now I'm going to impress you.'
Sednov - MATH 138 Volume: 83 Issue: 1 (May 19 2000) Entry: 2067 |
page viewed 27584 times --- 6024 unique visitors (by IP) --- currently 6907 quotes --- last DB update: 2016-08-31
Page by 19day (S.B.H.)
Everything here is property of 19day productions, unless it isn't, and cannot be claimed by anyone else regardless, sort of like a copyright, but in many more words.
Last modified: August 25 2013 01:46:58.