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Unboxing the Kobo ereader

Filed under: General — 19day @ 06:31:34

I got my hands on the new Kobo ereader, so I’m just unboxing it here.


Un boite


Pull-out ’shelf’ to get at the goods


Quickstart guide, connection, and the ereader itself


The e-reader itself, initial setup screen

So a fairly straight-foward unboxing, the unit comes with 100 free books and instructions on how to get at them. Also with USB for charging and loading up with more content. The unit is actually quite light, and the quilted back is comfortable. As can be seen from the last picture, it is quite thin.

Time for disclosure, I work at Kobo, so of course I’m excited about this device. Take a look. You may find yourself excited too.

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