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****ing ****book

Filed under: General — 19day @ 21:04:09

Facebook pisses me off. It always sort of pissed me off, so I barely used the thing, but now I can’t even idle my account without them doing something stupid.

So I log in to find a notice at the top, it telling me that my current contact email was invalid. Seemed valid to me, sent myself a test email, worked fine. So I trawled through their help system, and came across this.

> It says my email address is invalid.
Unfortunately we do not support email addresses with generic prefixes (e.g. info@, webmaster@, etc.). Since email addresses of this nature are typically used for organizations and businesses, we do not allow them to be used for personal Facebook accounts. You will need to use a personal email address that does not contain this type of prefix. There are no exceptions to this rule.

What the hell is that? My email address may start with admin, but it’s my personal damn site… you mean you want me to create some dummy email address just to keep you happy? No exceptions to this rule? Why not? I can’t even imagine what they are thinking. And I assume that their list of verbotten words grows, since references to this asinine policy go way back, so I assume “admin” just made the cut.

It’s a small thing, but it’s a stupid thing, and just another reason to dislike facebook. Hell, you can’t even complain to them since they provide no customer support outside their FAQ help center. And since I presume this doesn’t affect most of the people using the site, there seem to be very few groups formed because of this, and they’re quite small.

I have to assume eventually this policy will expand until we won’t be able to use anything outside the form

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