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Zelda: The Movie

Filed under: General — 19day @ 23:07:30

Yeah, haven’t posted in a while, alas. Stuff has gone on, but I haven’t felt like writing.

But it’s april fool’s, and this is a pretty good effort:
Zelda The Movie
I mean, it’s a bit cheesy, but still, I hope one day something like this is actually made, and I hope they follow the Ocarina of Time to some degree as is suggested in this movie.

I’ve kinda all Zelda’ed up since I’ve been playing Twilight Princess. yeah, I finally got a Wii and bought Metroid Corruption (which curtis has been playing the hell out of at every opportunity), Mario Galaxy (which has been mostly sitting by the wayside) and Zelda: Twilight Princess, which is pretty cinematically awesome, but I’ve had some difficulty getting used to the controls.

Threw a surprise birthday party for Alicia a couple weeks back, only a few of us were available on the easter weekend. She enjoyed it, but I think I shouldn’t ever plan anything again, since I’m sure it could have been better, but I suck at planning. And she had her own event last weekend, did karaoke, apparently no one knew there were words to the M*A*S*H theme (also known as Suicide is Painless). Also, I’m not as familiar with some of these songs as I once thought I was, hehe. But hilarity was had by all.

Work sucks too. But for new reasons. So tired, taking a week of vacation soon. I won’t be doing anything, just relaxing.


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