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This is a Journey Into Sound

Filed under: General — 19day @ 15:37:06

So I’ve finished watching the Simpsons Season 10 (with commentary of course). So I’ve been putting them on in the background while I do other stuff (without commentary). I’ve seen them before so many times that there isn’t much point of actually watching most of them, others I may have only seen once so I pay attention to them.

One that caused me to take notice was Bart The Mother. I had seen it before, in fact I saw it on television the last time I was home I think. The thing that got me was that… something was wrong…. what was it?… Homer didn’t sound right… Bart sounded most right… Marge sounded fine as far as I can tell…. but Homer was definitely off. It was like the sound was slowed down, just the tiniest of bits.

I thought, shit, is something wrong with the DVD. But I was too tired to play with it, so I played the episode again this morning… seemed fine. But then I realized (using my QA powers) that I didn’t quite do it the same this time. I played it through the episode selection rather than the Play All. So I tried Play All, skipping past the first episodes in the way, and there it is again, weird slow down. It’s the only one I know of with this issue, so far. I tried looking online but couldn’t spot any other complaints, which either means it’s specific to me, specific to a laughably small group, or it’s just my computer’s DVD player being stupid… but odd that it would be stupid in that way. Never seen that before, that I’ve noticed anyway.

So I’ve posted the first opening joke from the episode in question, as mp3, the first part is when I used Play All to get to the episode, where things sound off, and the second is when I select the episode itself from the main menu, where it sounds right. Assuming I highlighted the waveforms in the right place, even that shows a slight difference in waveform-length.

In other news, heading up to Niagara for a couple of days with friends to drink the wine, see the sights, and verb the adjective noun. This mini-vacation probably couldn’t have come at a worse time work-wise, as I have about 50% more work than can actually be done right now.

If I don’t come back, avenge my death

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