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Goodbye Burroughs

Filed under: General — 19day @ 21:33:37

Burroughs has died.

I only really heard something was wrong on Sunday, and even then, it was a suspicion. Then he was taken in to the vet on Monday where they apparently took a lot of fluid out of his chest. The vet said it was one of two conditions, one of which treatable, the other not, but didn’t elaborate further and said that my mother had to wait for the lab results on the fluid. She heard this evening that it was Feline Infectious Peritonitis which is, for a cat, a death sentence. She opted to have him put down rather than struggle trying to breath a few more weeks of life. Only two weekends ago he was fine… I’ve also heard that apparently he had an abnormally large heart that may have been the cause of this and the virus was some ancillary thing, I don’t know….






I fear for my cat now, who has been staying with my parents for a little while. The vet apparently said that there was no chance of transmission, but the websites I’ve visited suggest otherwise. In any case, I think I’ll make good on my offer of Midnight to my mother, they’ll both be happier.

Hobbes and Missy lost to coyotes most likely, and now Burroughs, who probably had enough wits about him in the forest to evade those predators for life, felled by some apparently rare disease, from where I wonder. In any case, if there is a higher power, it apparently is most interested in killing our cats.

I think it’s sad that this blog even has the entry where we first got him, it was one of the first entries of the blog… 2.5 years of the big-faced cat. I wrote another entry once when we thought he was lost to the woods, and that we would wait long for his coming…we will indeed wait long for your coming,

Goodbye Burroughs

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