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Vacuous Vacation – Day 2

Filed under: General — 19day @ 20:28:22

I continued cleaning today. Went to Shoppers to get some more cleaning supplies, rubber gloves, another bottle of Sprite to mix with boozes, etc. Tossed out a lot more crap, but it still looks like I haven’t done anything. Well, the kitchen is a little better. I’ve been washing virtually every plate, utensil, and cooking implement, because they pretty much had all been used. One nasty thing occured… in one of the cupboards there was, well, a board, for cups, that was just above my ability to see the top surface. I had put a glass that I washed up there, wasn’t quite dry yet. I moved it a little later, and found it resisted a bit, like it was stuck to something. I took everything down and then the board as well, and it was revolting. I mean, even the board has some gunk attaching it to the side of the cubboard. It’s as if the people who lived here before me (or before them, or before them, infinitum) had used that board for putting USED glasses. It was covered in brown… like, this thing was white, but there was virtually no part of the surface that was still white. I used a lot of Fantastic and a scrubber sponge, and washed it down. It’s better, but apparently still stained beyond my ability to clean. The bottom board, that I can see the surface of, wasn’t like that… I can only imagine the status of all the other ones, ugh. At least I can say that, in this one regard, I made the apartment cleaner than it was when I moved it.

Jen, a co-worker, said that she reads this blog. I have no idea how often, or how carefully, but that sort of surprised me. See, I trust in people’s boredom, I trust them to be so bored with my little scribblings that they won’t bother to read them. I have friends, who’ve I’ve talked about in here, and I don’t generally worry, because I trust that they won’t bother with this blog and find out. My old journal was quite quite personal, and, well, devestating, for me. I’ve learned that ‘taking about it’, no matter what ‘it’ may have been, assume it’s something bad and painful, but in any case, ‘talking about it’ never really helps me. The old journal was shut down when I wanted to make this website a little more public, in that, I could tell my friends about it. For a long time I didn’t have a journal at all, but then I wanted to write some general stuff again, so I installed Wordpress and started a new journal. But, as it wasn’t to contain the very overt personal stuff, I decided to call it notjournal, a name that still survives on the button. With the old journal, I used to just overthink things and find new and exciting ways to express my horrible, horrible feelings. And you know, when I stopped writing it down, and stopped telling my friends about it (or, as was more likely, one friend) about it, I actually seemed to get better.

Obligatory Douglas Adams quote: “It is of course perfectly natural to assume that everyone else is having a far better time than you. Human beings have a phrase ‘The other man’s grass is always greener’ which describes this phenomenon. The Sheltenack race of Brupekedrin 13 had a similar phrase, but since their planet is somewhat eccentric botanically speaking, the best they could manage was ‘The other Sheltenack’s jupleberry shrub is always a more mauvey shade of pinky russet’ and so the expression soon fell into disuse … and the Sheltenacks had little option but to become terribly happy and contented with their lot – much to the surprise of everyone in the galaxy, who had not realised that the best way not to be unhappy was not to have a word for it.”

Yesterday in my other adventures I picked up the box set of the entire Dr. Katz collection. I rather stupidly had bought the Season 1 and Season 2 DVDs at earlier points. After buying the second one, I looked it up online to see when Season 3 was due to be out, to discover that they weren’t going to do that, they had released Season 1, Season 2, and then everything in one box set. Bastards!. Anyway, so I got the whole thing and have been watching them in between cleaning and Super Mario Galaxy.

I figure Wednesday I’ll gather up all the clothing and crap I’ve got around and do several loads of laundry and get all that squared away. Hopefully get around to vacumming and then mopping the floors finally. And at some point I’ve got to get a testplan done, since there’s no way I can get it done in the single actual work-day remaining. I suck as estimating.

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