Another xmas come and gone. Went home earlier than usual since for the first time in 2 years I took the critical days around Christmas and boxing day off, yet stupidly didn’t take new years eve off, but that will likely be fortuitous since I doubt I’ll do anything.
Couple of familial activities, went to Wasaga to visit grandmother and one aunt and have brunch at what will likely be the usual spot. Went to other aunt for new years eve gathering. It was actually pretty calm there for a while, right up until christmas eve day, when the dog did stupid things. He’s always pretty excited and nosy at christmas, but he managed to dig around in a bag and grab a box from yet another bag within it, and unwrap it in his own clumsy way, and eat the contents. He consumed some cardboard, some foil, two sticks of lip gloss for one young relation, some plastic from the packaging of a gift for another young relation, and the contents of that box, which was 8 chocolate truffles. Now, I knew chocolate was not altogether good for dogs, but the vet implied over the phone that it was a little more urgent that that, so we took him in. He was given eyedrops that caused him to vomit up everything, including his morning treat and some of his dinner from the night before. Then he was given charcoal stuff to drink, and spent the afternoon in a bit of a hyper stupor. The next day he acted as if nothing had happened, which is a pity since he probably learned nothing.
Christmas day itself was pretty calm, rose late, leisurely opened gifts, had a turkey dinner, didn’t have to go anywhere, or entertain anyone. And here is what I received:
The Complete Calvin and Hobbes (ISBN 0-7407-4847-5) Which is (wikipedia says) 22.5 pounds, and I would have guessed even heavier than that. It has basically everything he did for Calvin and Hobbes, so I can toss out all my previous books. Or I would, except that the collection reads like 3 giant bibles. I’ve been reading the first one, but carefully. Once finished, I’ll probably put them aside to appreciate, heh.
A trilogy, Viking – Odinn’s Child (ISBN 978-0-330-42673-2), Viking – Sworn Brother (ISBN 0-330-42674-5) and Viking – King’s Man (0-330-42675-3), I don’t actually know anything about these books yet, hopefully I’ll have time to read them sometime before next xmas, heh.)
A ipod speaker mount which is neat, though delicate looking. It also charges the ipod which I quite like since my only other option is plugging it into the computer. It appears to work well so far and has pretty good sound. It runs off AC or 4 AA batteries, but not sure how long they really last, the company says 8 hours. The main purpose was so I could listen to music in the shower, but the thing is nice enough that I’m afraid of doing that. I might try putting it in a plastic bag, heh.
Some new towels (my current ones are paper thin and falling apart at this point), some new workout clothing, some general shirts and a sweater. Some wine glasses and some general short glasses which look like they would prefer holding alcohol (and I won’t disappoint).
I also got 6 cans of soup (3 consumed so far). Basically it is the No Name (specified to Zehrs and associated stores) vegetable with pasta soup. It used to be under the Chunky brand, but they sold it off or something, so now I can only get it at Zehrs, and they appear to be forbidden from existing in Toronto. Dominion is my closest store, and they don’t have it, alas.
My brother got me a set of pots and pans which my kitchen desperately needed (1 stew pot, 2 handled pots of large and small sizes, 1 large frying pan and 1 small frying pan), and I also got a heavy-duty cutlery tray for all the new cutlery I got from my grandmother (months earlier). I also got lots of smelly stuff to mask my horrid natural aromas. I have enough cologne to last me for a couple years, which is good since the last time I ran out I started using Axe and it’s not all that good, no crazy women throwing themselves at me or nothin’.
I’d take pictures of some of this stuff, or at least my cat that’s being very cute right now, but my camera, bought for my birthday back in July, has ceased to function. The battery anyway. Completely dead, and when put in the charger, the charge-light flashes, which is supposed to indicate a defective battery. damn thing.
I think I gave out some pretty good stuff as well, including a DVD player and the Yes (Prime) Minister box set, a slew of other DVD’s and cash. I also gave a Wii to a friend, which is interesting in that I coveted one myself, but it’s always easier to be extravagant for others then to oneself, or such it is for me.
Anyway, I’m working tomorrow, and probably will stay in for my second annual not-feeling-well new years bash, except this time I have many bottles of ice-wine.