I never used to play stupid flash games, never. If I played a game, it was a full on proper game dammit. Sure, I played a few things in the past for like 20 seconds. Or occasionally joined a friend in some yahoo game (technically java, but same difference for my purposes). But as a single endevour, I never played the things.
But recently I’ve been tapping the relatively large resource of Digg’s playable web game category, and playing all sorts of interesting games that have totally destroyed my productivity whereever I may go.
So here are some of them so you too may suffer:
Gateway 2 – a spooky puzzle game
DiceWars – risk with dice, never before have I been so angry
Motherload – a game of ore excavation and, confusingly, battles with Satan
Winterbells – winter and bunnies and bells, very cute
Bugs – from the maker of the previous game, this one is a charming bug scaring game
Quest for the Rest – very short but interesting looking and sounding proof of concept puzzle game
Gridlock – a familiar puzzle game I’ve suddenly become decent at, level 35 is where I got stuck
Anyway, that’s just a few. I’ll see you in hell dicewars.
EDIT: Flow, how could I forget flow, it’s a really nice one.
flOw – a game of eating and evolution, no instructions as it’s meant to be intuitive, but eat red thingy to go down a level, blue to go up, and basically eat everything else. This is kind of what I wanted Zygote to look like when I originally conceived it as a 2D game, the style is minimalistic and perfect in a cellular biology kind of way.
EDIT2: 3D Logic Cube – view 3 sides of a cube and connect the colours, interesting
EDIT3: All Hallow’s Eve – one of the more fun survive-the-zombies flash games I’ve encountered, add house defenses, buy new weapons (from who?, oh well), and kill the advancing armies of zombies crying for brains. Easy is far too boring, try normal difficulty, and hard for any thing resembling a challenge.
EDIT4: Sprout – A coconut dreaming of being an oak tree, acquiring new forms to passively move across the countryside. An entirely too short puzzle game that has a lot of potential.