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The worst exposition I’ve ever heard

Filed under: General — 19day @ 21:23:24

Sorry, I just had to put this here. I threw on Tron to fall asleep to (as I’m sure Alicia and Curtis would say, because it’s soooo boring that it’s suuure to put me asleep…. *coughbastardscough*)

Anyway, I hit this bit, and It’s just painful.

Here goes nothing

Heh. Interesting, interesting. You
hear what you said? “Here goes nothing.”

Well, I –

Whereas actually, what we propose to
do is to turn something into nothing
and back again. So you might just as
well have said, “Here goes something
and here comes nothing.” Heh?

…. Right….

This is in reference to their molecular disintegration and reintegration laser wotsit.

It’s just… awful.

Sorry again.

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Last modified: September 07 2009 18:21:00.
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